Crash Course On Helping People

A couple of days ago, an acquaintance from school asked me to take ID Style pics of him for a series of job applications he has to send in. I agreed to meet him this morning at 10, in front of one of the libraries of the University.

Last night, I slept about 6 hours. I woke up a bit tired, but in a good mood nonetheless. Not as talkative as usual and a bit out-of-focus, but feeling alright. I was on time at the rendez-vous. The guy I was photographing arrived a couple of minutes later. We went for coffee (as it was imperative, I had not had coffee at all since waking up and neither had he) and kinda chatted while drinking our coffees. I was basically listening to him talk as I felt rather silent. He kept on asking me if I was alright, to which I replied affirmatively. At one point he told me I was feeling unwell. I assured him that no, I wasn't feeling unwell, I was fine.

We left the coffee shop and started walking around searching for settings for the photos. I thought of going on one of the streets next to the university's design pavillion. On the way there I took a couple of shots. I was still not really talkative. Then, arriving close to the design pavillion, I just motionned him to go in front of a specific wall. I put the camera to my face to take a picture and this is what happened (approximatively):
Him: -You are so disagreeable
Me: -What?
Him: -Yeah, you are being rude and unpleasant
Me: -Huh? How so? I haven't done or said anything
Him: -Whatever, I dunno. Since the past 10 minutes you are like this. For me it's okay, but people who know you less than I do might find it really annoying and read into this. I just want to help you, that's all.

I put the camera back to my face, took two pictures. Put the lenscap back on, went towards the entrance of the building and said: "I'll send you the pictures by email. Good day." I got in the building, he went his own way.

This seems really out of line to me. I was in no way disagreeable or unpleasant. I was trying to help the lad. His pretention to know-me-like-he-does unnerves me. He seems to believe he can read through me, notifying me of my current state of mind, telling me how I'm actually feeling as if he had a better seat than I do in my head.

I currently wonder what to do with this. I could

A. Not send anything. This is the silent treatment option
B. Send him the raw .NEF files from my camera. This would mean that I did my share of the job (i.e. the picture taking) but it also means he'll have a hard time actually processing the data to make a viewable and usable picture. Also, since the files are large, it might clog his inbox. I call this: The evil option
C. Process the files like I would normally do and send them alongside an email telling him that this is the last time I will either do anything for him or speak to him, even. This is the "i'm giving ya drama" option
D. Send him the processed files of option C alongside a really short email wishing him luck. Something very short, very concise. This is the "i'm mature" option
E. Just send him an email telling him that I'm not sending the files and that I acknowledge that people who know me less than he does might interpret this as me being vengeful. This is the "righteous bitch" option

So, which one should I choose?


Anonymous said...

option D, then forget about it.

Ryan said...

I would personally make it clear to him that you were unnerved by his attitude, and since you were doing this as a favor, it's unwelcome on your part.

I would go with Gac's suggestion after that. Why give him more reason to detest you in some manner?

Just my two cents :plink plink:

Oli said...

Writing this, I was thinking of going with D anyway.

However, just stating the other options served as a way for me to let steam out, you know?

So I did go with D

Anonymous said...

Hard to believe in all of this... always both sides are to blame. You don`t say anything about that guy`s point of view. That`s a pity that other people didn`t notice it. That`s way i`m not going to reenforce your conviction of being a victim.