Change of Plan (once more)

Well. What can I say. I need to be adult and think about my future instead of butterflying from interest to interest. Passion alone doesn't pay the bills, so it seems. And at 25, I strongly need to start thinking about the rest of my life.

I'm changing direction. Exit Photo, Enter Computer Science. My photo classes have made me realise that I love photography to bits, but being in it constantly kills my love for it. Also, with everything I've seen about "the industry", I am quite certain I don't want to work in it (or fight with all my might to try to wiggle and lick/suck my way in).

And so, right now, I'm making efforts to be admitted in college in a technical computer science program. And then, once I'm done, I might even try my luck at computer/software engineering, who knows. At least, when I get my degree, I should be able to find a job that'll pay my rent.

It has to be noted though that this is not so much of a tradeoff. I've always wanted to study computer science. I meant to study in that field right after high school, but being annoyed at everyone telling me how to live my life, I decided to study something else just to spite them. Now, 8 years later, it's time I set things back on track.

I'll always be an artist though. My love for photography and music will not be put away or take second place. I'm realising that one can have a career in one field and passions/interests/hobbies in another field. It doesn't matter. Who knows what I'll be doing in 6 years? Maybe I'll be a programmer for a company and feeling great because I'll be contributing to something. Maybe I'll be on tour with Dolorès and working with Pierre on songwriting the second album. Maybe I'll have computerart/photo exhibitions somewhere. Maybe I'll be doing something else altogether. I might even be working/living in Tokyo by then! Or maybe I'll come back to being a writer. Who knows? No one.