Just A Thought

Normally, I shouldn't be thinking about going back to something that once didn't work out. Never go back, they say. Still, for some reason, I've been thinking about what it would be like to go back to Sherbrooke to redo my certificate in visual arts...

Last time, many things went wrong. I was unmotivated, I didn't work as hard as I should have, I let myself be destroyed by my flatmate-from-hell, I was depressed and un-energetic and, most important, I thought I was a Worthless Piece Of Shit.

From that, I got a really sucky university gradecard (1 failed course, 1 D, 1 C, 2 B) and the impression that if I want to apply somewhere to do a real bachelor's degree in visual arts I'll be turned down as quickly as you can shout DROP-OUT!!

So, I was thinking, with me being a year wiser, what would it be like to just go back, swallow my pride, accept the fact that it's far from being the best and most stimulating program and just get on with it, be the smart, strong and creative person I know I can be/I am and just do it.

It's just a thought, only a thought.

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