
Something rather primordial has hit me sometime ago. It's really important yet seems and appears so simple, much like the key one's searching for all through the house, only to realise it was in their pocket all along.

I don't exactly know how or why, but for so long I've been trying to be something else, to do something else, all the time. Trying to be good at everything, to make my life into something it's not. Trying to study things that I have never really done before, thinking I would rock at it. Constantly.

I was having another period of questionning and one morning I woke up, having realised something. I need to focus. Plain and simple. Focus my energy, my efforts into matters I know, matters that aliment me. What has been plaguing me for a long time was the need to overextend myself, to be everything. Of course, I can't be that. I can't be good at everything (and I really am not). It's certain that I am good at certain things though, it's on those things I need to focus.

Found that key last week, feeling much calmer since then.

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