I Feel Lost

I feel lost.
I feel lonely.
I'm not entirely sure why.
Just yesterday, I was in a beautiful mood.
Things must have turned sour in my sleep.

I don't really understand myself these days.
Or the state I'm in.
I have pulsions heading every way.
I'm a sinus curve.
One day is beauty, the other is gloom.
One day I'll be lifting a building. The next, I'll be falling from it.

This is recurrent, I know.
But I want to be away.
Away from myself, away from my head.
I would want to fall asleep under a tree.
Wake up cradled in a stranger's arms.
Who would disconnect me from me.
If only for a while.


Fel-X said...

Ouais, les montagnes russes de notre cerveau sont toujours fascinantes. Les "mood swings" comme ils disent en anglais (ou "balançoires du moral", selon mon interprétation imbécile).

Ça fait du bien de temps en temps de pogner un tronçon de route qui soit plat, long et ennuyeux...

Oli said...

Oui, et quand ça arrive, inévitablement, on finit par trouver que notre vie est plutôt morne...

Je crois fermement que les balançoires du moral (pour employer ton interprétation) sont accompagnées d'un constant état d'insatisfaction.