The Greatest Family

Yesterday, I wrote the Quick List 2. I wasn't feeling well. Not feeling well at all, actually. A little after posting that list, I called my mother.

My sister picked up the phone and instantly noticed I wasn't well. We talked for two minutes and she said they would call me back in order for me not to pay long distance fees. They called back, this time my mother was on the phone. She began with: "Apparently, you're feeling so-so, Oli?" I broke down and started crying. I didn't really know where all of this was coming from, but I was crying. I just talked to her about how I was feeling empty, how I was missing them, how I felt sad, how I was stressed and disappointed. She was calming, soothing, as she usually is. Gave me advice, told me to hang tight, that things would get better as long as I keep moving forward. I had an overflow of emotion that just had to get out, so it seems. The peak of weeks worth of accumulated things. We hung up some fifteen minutes later. I was still crying.

I sat on the couch and kept crying. Then, I just took a deep breath and thought: "fine, now that that's out of my sister, I gotta move". I got up, went to my room, put all my dirty clothes and my bedsheets together and went to the laundromat. Did all my laundry, then came back. I went on a cleaning frenzy: I tidyed up my room (which looked like a disaster zone, it was awful), then did the dishes (that had accumulated for days), then brought all the recycling downstairs.

I started feeling a lot better, like I could breathe again. My mother called back, to ensure that I was feeling a bit better and that I had gone and done my laundry (I had told her about the sorry state of my cleaning). Wished me a good night and ensured me that things would be fine, that everything would get better.

I went to bed at 10 last night. Slept until 10 this morning. I guess I needed it. I am fresh this morning. I know things will improve but I also have to accept that there will be rough spots along the way. I also know that I am not alone.

I have the greatest family.

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