The Updator

I'm fully settled into my new dwelling. I even, after three weeks, found a name for it: SoftCore Manor. I'm actually glad to have chosen to stay here. It's nice being this close to everything. Also, this "gayvillage" factor that I was fearing is turning out to be entertaining. Now I see all kinds of gay guys and I get a precious reminder of the kind of gay I am glad I am not.

I've finally got my library subscription. The Bibliothèque Nationale is only 5 minutes away from the manor. I've been going there a lot lately. It's almost high-inducing to have so many documents available at once.

School starts again in ten days. I'm really looking forward to it. Having a 6 weeks (almost 7!) holiday vacation is just WAY too much for someone like me (i.e. someone who doesn't deal so well with free time).

And that's about it for news from the Oli front. I should be back to my (semi) regular blogging habits now.

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