See-Through Weather

I find that winter has a form of precision no other season has. There is a profound precision to be experienced in standing in the cold, on a winter day. Looking in the distance, things are as equally clear as they would be if you were standing right in front of them.

I was walking back home from work earlier tonight, while listening to Beady Belle's CEWBEAGGAPIC album. It's an electro-jazz record that I find to be best experienced at evening time, in the cold. Be it autumn, winter or spring, it needs to not be warm. I find it hard to express in words exactly how that record makes me feel and how synchronised it seems to be with this kind of weather. Like a natural soundtrack, it sings of love, love lost and regained, love by proxy.

My commute to get back to the manor is very different as to how it was to get back to the villa. To get back to the villa, I had to take the metro and then a bus OR take two different metro lines and then walk 15 minutes in a residential area. To get to the manor from work, I simply have to walk 25 minutes in a city setting. I was thinking, last night, on my way here that when walking amongst concrete buildings and skyscrapers, we really aren't much. Sure, we built all those things are, ultimately, the puppeteers that make them alive. In the end though, we are simply a bunch of little ants, lugging around things that are heavier than we, constructing buildings and machines that could, if given the chance, simply surpass and gain power over us.

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