Off The Meds

I am now, officially, off antidepressants. This might seem like a mundane fact, something not really worth a blog entry. However, to me, it's something of importance.

I've been taking them for over 6 months now. My doctor told me that I could stop taking my medication as soon as january started, but to wait until I felt comfortable enough to do so. I decided this week that I was ready.

Knowing that I am not taking yellow pills daily makes me really happy. I had been without medication for two years before last spring's relapse. How long will I be fine this time? One year, five years, twenty-five? To be honest, I don't really care. If I've learned anything about that this time, it's that it doesn't matter. The important thing is that I am fine and well. If it takes a yellow pill for it, then so be it. If not, then all the better!

But this is a victory over my personal demons. I am tiger, hear me roar. :D

1 comment:

Ginette Rebelle said...

Trop contente pour toi chéri, j'ai une petite bédaine qui me pousse là on pourrait se donner rendez-vous bientôt ... Qu'est-ce que tu en pense ?