Everything New

Seems I succeeded at resetting my system and regaining a form of routine. I made it on time to all the rest of this week's classes. I am (genuinely) in a good mood and I've been able to sleep normally for a couple of days in a row.

Then, also, I got a new computer. A PowerBook G4, the 12 inch model. I can't express just how much I love that machine. I have always been a Mac fan and was once the proud owner of an iBook. Sadly, that iBook died in a really weird and frustrating fashion more than two years ago, just as I was in the finals period of my last year of Cégep. Since then I had been using a PC that was graciously offered by the famiglia to ease the pain of losing my friend the iBook. But that computer, as powerful as it was when I first got it, started becoming rather sluggish for all photoprocessing tasks and I have been harbouring the idea of getting a new computer. The plan was that I would get a computer for myself and hand the PC down to my mother, for her to finally step in the digital era. So, last thursday, after class, I decided to go get my electronics store fix and went to BestBuy (which is quite a long trip since it's right in the middle of the island. so, to get there, it's two different metro lines and then a bus ride). Browsing the aisles, I came upon the Mac section and saw the PowerBook 12 inch, at a ridiculously low price (like 400$ below standard price and something like 280$ below the educational price). So, I left the BestBuy with a new computer and a hugeass grin on my face.

Also, I got a call from one of the places where I had applied for a job. I'm having an interview on Wednesday. I'm excited!

And as a last uplifting fact, it seems that fall is slowly setting in. Today was sunny, featuring the kind of light one can only witness in autumn. It was windy and chilly. So that's the best thing, really.

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