An Array Of Thanks (in a quiet, discreet, subdued way)

I am rather uninspired to write anything lenghty or profound. There's not all that much happening in my life these days.

I wanted to write a little thank you note to various people, for various reasons. I thought I would do it here.

Bob: Merci pour le long commentaire sur mon dernier post, ça m'a fait du bien d'être remis en contexte. Faudrait réellement que l'on trouve le moyen d'aller prendre un café ensemble la prochaine fois que je suis à Granby...

Ryan: Thanks for all the comments on my photographs, your suggestions and critique. I really, totally appreciate it. Also, thanks for commenting on my blog and actually taking the time to read this.

Anne-Marie: Merci pour les encouragements, les coups de pied au derrière, les jokes, les discussions, "Dancing With The Stars", le partage d'appart, etc. Puissance Villa Johnné!

Renato: Obrigado pelas lições de português! (and thanks for correcting me when I make mistakes. I'm pretty sure that it'll pay off fairly soon)

And thank you to all those reading this blog or taking time to look at my photos on Flickr. Thank you all who make my daily life what it is. Thanks to friends for sticking by me, to my family for being what it is.

(there, we all gotta be thankful at one point or another, no?)


Ryan said...

Haha, Thanks for all the comments and critique back as well 8-) As much as I phase out whenever the french is being tossed around, I still tune in when I can. 8-)

Keep it up, I'm certain photographic school will be quite an experience.

Anonymous said...

Hey.. pas besoin de me remercier.. that's what friends are for.. no?

J'suis toujours parfait pour du café! Hummmmm.. café..rrrarrrrrrgh!