48 hours

Last night, I was sitting in my room, playing Brain Age on Nintendo DS. I was doing the speed counting test. For that thing, you have to count numbers aloud from 0 to 120, as fast as you can. While I was doing that, my roommate comes in my room and starts knocking frantically on my door (he was already in the room while knocking on the door, which is backwards, if you ask me).

He starts asking me if I'm fine, si je suis tout à moi ("if I'm all to myself", which basically means if I'm still in touch with reality). I responded saying yes, that I was counting because I was playing a game. He gave me the usual "yeah, right" kinda look and walked away.

For the rest of the evening, the dude kept avoiding me, gave me weirdo looks and made comments as to my "apparently departing sanity".

I move out in 48 hours. Thank god.

1 comment:

Fel-X said...

Ça a l'air d'un cool jeu, ça !

Me semble que ça sonne comme un truc bidon qui sortirait tout droit de l'esprit des créateurs des mario-party.

Tiens, si tu aimes les jeux bizarro, visite cette page:


et surtout, surtout, clique sur le lien "écouter et regarder en jv-tv", c'est hilarant !!!

Tiens bon !

D'ailleurs, t'as du temps de libre pour partir sur une gosse un après-midi et prendre des photos ? Moi je suis en vacances à partir du 21...