Springtime... of course

If we were still living at the Villa, I'd be lying in Anne-Marie's bed right now, talking about what just happened. She'd give me her love advice, as she rules in that department (and in many others, but it derogates from the topic of this post). But sadly the time of the Villa is behind and so here I am, in this room that I will finally get to move out of in a bit more than a month, drinking and typing away.

People cross your path and you happen to cross theirs. Things happen, you begin to glow, you get to know the person, butterflies form in your very insides. Time constantly flies and so you see the person more and more and more. You laugh like you haven't laughed in a long time.

But then, for some odd reason, you sometimes turn into a person you are not. You freak out in various things to then realise how trivial they were. Reflecting on it you realise that it probably pertains to something past that hasn't been completely resolved. You decide that you will control those moments so they don't happen again. You decide you'll figure it out, you'll figure yourself out.

Then things get odd. You see the person less. You start to realise you are falling for the person but you also realise how far apart you two are.

Then it goes further until you finally understand that it has to end. It has to end because you love the person, it has to end because of various differences that wouldn't make for a lasting relationship, because you both are so far apart. You tell the person, the person hugs you and keeps you close. Then you leave. The person says: "talk to you later". You walk out the door.

And so it goes. Old jazzmen were right, Spring Can Really Hang You Up The Most.

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