So Much In Such Little Time

A week begins on Sunday, right? Well, this week has been full of so many things (mind you, I realise how utterly impossible it would be to be full of nothingness (or maybe it's not impossible... but I disgress)). Let's have a little review (with extra days before the beginning of the current week)

Friday: A fairly normal day at work, doing split shifts. In the morning, I happen to meet a former employer of mine. We chat, she tells me that they were looking for someone to help with their site (the job is to work on updating a website. It's work from home, around 10 hours a week). I mention that I'd love to help until the end of December but I can't since the job has to be done on the weekend. Surprise! Now, with the new version, the updating has to be done on the beginning of the week, the days I actually have off! Lovely! I tell her (they are two employers, that detail will come in handy later) that I'd really be interested. She seems happy and tells me that the other employer (the one I talked to the most) would be enchanted to have me back, as I'm good. Excellent. I tell her I'll contact them sometime in the weekend. Come home and find my course registration documents in the mailbox. Date and time of the opening of registration: Monday, november the 15th, at 6:45 in the morn. Rest of the day: uneventful.

Saturday: As usual, a really busy day at work. Barely noticed the day flying by. Around noon, I get a call at work from the other employer (see above) about the gig, telling me that she'd be happy to take me back until the end of December and giving me the details and technicalities. Lovely. After work, I go and get the documents needed.

Sunday (beginning of the current week): I go for breakfast with my best friend and her boyfriend. Completely Lovely. We laughed, we talked about everything. Things were really good. I love those people so much. Then went to work, day was fine (bearable, which is uncommon for Sundays). After that come home, have dinner and then get ready for beginning my second job. Online comes G and I chat with him for little bits at a time, all the while working. I mention how the mall Santa had arrived and how I would go see him to tell him that, for Christmas, I want G under the Christmas Tree. G tells me that he'll be under his own tree at Christmas and then the conversation shifts. He calls me and breaks up with me. Whole routine of "it's-not-you-it's-me" and etc, ending by telling me that, of course, once I'm in Montreal he'd love to see me often, as often as possible. Bang. It hurts. After the call I have to go back to work, which I do. Finally go to bed at close to 1am, knowing fully well that I have to be up at 6:30, not to miss my chance at getting the classes I want.

Monday: Alarm clock rings at 6:30. I snooze it and unvonlutarily hit the total alarm stop button. I wake up at 8. Try to register online, the website doesn't respond. So I dial the automated phone registering system. Get the line, register. Try for the german language course I wanted (The 6 credit course encompassing beginner german 1 and 2). I get a message saying that the course had been cancelled. Grr. So then I try for beginner german 1, it's open, I get the class. Cool. Then second class, German language and culture. Get it. Cool. Then I try for photo class. Already full, no other groups available. Damn. Then I try for history of jazz. Already full. DAMMIT! Then I go for photography and the art object. I get the class. I have to register for another course but I'm out of ideas. Basically, the fact that the 6 credit course was cancelled really screwed up my whole plan. In order to be registered full time, one needs a minimum of 12 credits (4 normal courses, as one standard course is 3 credits). After hunting desperately through the 8 pages of choices for extra courses, I find one that interests me: Cinematographic language. I call the service, get the line, register my class, accepted. Excellent. That's done. Then I go to cégep and to the photo lab to bring films for processing. I come back, my mother calls from downstairs asking me to come down because she had something to ask me. I get downstairs. She's crying. My uncle and aunt all have this stern look on their faces. I ask what's wrong, nobody answers. So I begin to be really frightened. Has something happened to my sister? Is someone ill? What's wrong?! Turns out my mother hurt her back (she has a history of bad back) and she's crying out of exhaustion, which is completely understandable. Go the the drugstore for her prescription, bring it to her. I'm really tired and it's mid afternoon, it all seems dark and gloomy and bleak, but I decide to go running. I really give tons to running and come back feeling quite a bit better. Then I do some work in the evening and go to bed at 9:30 (pm, obviously)

Tuesday: Wake up at 9:30, fresh as a rose. 12 hour sleep is the best sugarfree candy one could have. I work a bit during the day, I don't remember all that much about it. Then, in the afternoon I go running again. See a friend in the evening, come back home at midnight only to have another friend ask me to go watch a movie with him. I do. Come back here at 3:30 in the morn. Go to bed.

Wednesday: Up at 8. I really do not deal well with little sleep anymore. Spend most of the day feeling tired and rather miserable. Accomplish very little apart from tiny things for myself. Get, through the mail, the response from the student loans: I got my loan. Happy Happy and such great news. I go to meet my employers and bring the work early evening. Then come back here, have dinner. Sister arrives out of the blue, has dinner with us, then we play PS2. I had called a friend of mine in the morning, because I wanted to ask him about flats in Montreal and neighbourhoods and the like. Got the answerphone and purposefully left a vague message saying I had a question to ask. He calls back when I'm off to my employers, very intrigued, asking me what it was. Then he says that if I'm still looking for a place to live in Montreal he'd have a phone number to give me. I call him back, we chat and arrange for lunch next monday and he gives me the phone number. I call the people, they seem rather cool and I agree to meet them early december, when the flat will be available. Go to bed at 8.

Thursday (today!): Wake up at 7. Again, totally delighted at so much sleep. Split shifts for me once again so I leave for work. Excellent morning, ultra busy. Then, after morning shift I go hunting for a winter jacket. Go to one place, am not sure. Go to a second place, find an item I really like. Ask for advice from one of the sales people, she's ultra helpful (really) and I'm close to sure I want the jacket, but still need a bit of opinion. In walks a coworker of mine, I motion him over, he loves the jacket too, checks for the fabric and etc, all fine. I buy the jacket. The first time I ever buy myself a winter jacket. I feel so responsible. Come home, have a bite and go running again. Come back from running feeling so zen. I am getting addicted to running. Then work again tonight.


Avoiding The One Who Makes Me Weak At The Knees

The sunday following the post about the guy I'd like to get to know, I arrived at the mall a bit early because my only ride to work was early. I went to get coffee and guess who also arrived at that moment. The guy. We greeted and that was mostly it. It all seemed a bit bizarre. He left to go to his store. Fine. When I went across the mall to get to the bookstore I saw him standing before the doorway to his store. I took the chance to thank him about lending me the magazines. It was a bit cold and I didn't feel an opening for chatting more about it or about other stuff. Said goodday and went my way.

The next evening I took the decision to try and avoid seeing him as much as possible (took that decision after seeing him walk across the street and feeling my heart skip a beat). I figure I have enough confusion in matters of the heart not to add to it by forcing myself to see the guy who makes me weak at the knees (and who obviously doesn't give a damn about me). It all seemed to work very well and I had pretty much forgot about the whole thing. Even passing in front of his store didn't do anything to me. Cured, I was!

But of course, things never end just like that. Today, I had not brought a lunch to work (I made one this morning, but then felt really hungry and ate it :D). During my supper-hour I made my way to the grocery store, all the way across the mall, in order to get some food. On my way there I stopped at the newly opened videogame store to check if they had Katamari Damacy. They did. It was cheap. I bought it. (HAPPY!) So, grocery store. I was listening to I Am X on my MP3 player and making my way to the prepared food aisle. Guess who I ran across? The guy, of course. We greeted and exchanged pleasantries about food and lunches. Then I paid and left.

Of course my knees went weak when I saw him. I really wonder why I have to keep bumping into him randomly. It all seems like a cruel joke. Random chats with one who doesn't see me.

Am I still gonna try to avoid him? You bet.



Hello World! I was admitted at UQAM!

This is so completely great news. What's best is that I was admitted in all three of my program choices. Upon thinking them through, I will go with what was my last choice. I will do a certificate in German. It has been a while since I studied a language and I miss it. Also, I think I need to distance myself from creation for a bit, to reflect on where I want to go next.

Wind is turning, roll on winter! :D